Thursday, November 02, 2006

I never thought I would, but I've grown to really like Everybody Loves Raymond. It's rare I see a whole episode as I'm getting ready for work when it's on in the bedroom, but it's actually quite funny. Doris Roberts who plays meddling mother-in-law Marie and her husband are the standout. Ray himself is the weak link, a nerdy manchild whom we're supposed to believe is sportswriter, though I never seen any evidence of sports in the show. I could be wrong. Very funny moments though.

We always watch this now in the mornings following Friends at 7.30. I think we're just about to leave the golden age, these earlier pre-Monica and Chandler get together, pre-Helen Baxendale, pre-Phoebe has surrogate babies, pre-flat swapping. At that stage it all goes down hill. I originally bailed out at that point. I think C4 must be showing series 3 at least. It seems to have been on for ages.

I've seen all these early eps many times, and they stand up really well. Such great characters, so much history and depth. But why on earth did they see fit to spin off Joey? Surely the least interesting character of the lot. A Mary Tyler Moore-esque Monica would have been much more entertaining, or Ross moves back in with his parents (Elliot Gould and Christana Pickles, who always pull their weight when they appear), would have been preferable. But on reflection that's probably enough Friends now. It defines the 90s, so let's leave it there.


Clair said...

..yes, and look at all the rather good Mary Tyler Moore spinoffs like Lou Grant and Rhoda, the one show I would love to have on DVD that I just can't find. I remember Rhoda's mum (Nancy Kavner) putting a plastic cover on the sofas in her house, and my mum saying 'That's a good idea'. Is it any wonder I'm such a screw-up?

Jon Peake said...

I think there's a campaign to get Rhoda released on DVD. There are clips on the ever-wonderful You Tube though.
