I noticed a nice new look on the excellent Sea of Cheese blog (sorry I can't do those cut and paste link things like everyone else can, despite instructions), and I thought it was time to ring the changes.
I feel the same way with my health. I've never been so ill as I have recently. Today, I woke up with such a bad back I actually couldn't move, and when it went into spasm I thought we might have to call the doctor, though I didn't want to be overly-dramatic about it. A couple of painkillers and a swift rub down from the wife made everything feel much better. Now I'm sitting here in mild pain, but it's dealable with. Yesterday when I awoke I felt like I'd broken a rib, then that pain moved round to my back. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?
Could it be giving up smoking? I've done about four weeks now of not smoking in the day after my bout of hideous flu, and at most having about three cigarettes in the evening. I can't say I feel better for doing so. I was ill all weekend with horrendous diarrohea (sorry if this is TMI), and now it's the back thing, all with a deep, hurting, horrendous cough. When will it all end?
I've heard giving up smoking can bring out all the nasty toxins in you, and it takes a while for this to happen, so I hope this is all it is, though it's not true to say I've completely given up smoking, just cut down considerably. I feel good about this aspect of it. If I was to suddenly cut out all cigarettes and deny myself completley I would find it very hard. So it's not that I'm telling myself I'll never smoke again. Good to cut out the ones during the day though.
I think what I really need is some sun on my bones.
Oh dear Mr 5C, this all sounds very strange. I think you should pay a visit to the doctor. Hope you feel better soon.
It sounds a bit like the flu has come back - but I've never heard of it coming back so quickly after the last bout. I've also never heard of cutting down on smoking doing this. I hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe a trip to the doctor would be good. The new loook site is pretty good.
After an embarrassing incident on Friday, I vowed to cut out drinking altogether. Maybe we should do this together...
Drinking lots is good when you have the flu - but unfortunately of the non-alcoholic variety!
I tried making an appointment with the doctor but I waited in a queue on the phone for 20 minutes waiting to make one and in the end gave up and hung up.
Just as well I'm not that ill.
Thanks for your good wishes everyone. A nice Nurofen heat patch currently attached to my back is working wonders.
So Clair, what did you do? Anything you can share on these pages?
Well, my advice is don't drink strong cocktails (including the hilariously-titled spirit Lillet) when you're still weak from the flu and you've barely eaten for a week. Then you'll know what put the 'ill' into Lillet. Sick as a dog, I was.
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