Monday, August 13, 2007

Nothing doing

Isn't it funny - sometimes you just can't think of anything to write about.

Tony Wilson - sad, but it's all being said elsewhere.

The weather is no longer unusual.

There's nothing great on the telly, and I have dispensed with the very disappointing Cape Wrath. The Tower, I think, is probably the only thing I'm enjoying at the moment.

I've not caught up on many DVDs lately, though we did pack in 70s mini-series QBVII about a Nazi war criminal's libel trial, which was not as good as the book but great for glimpses of Old London. My Best of ITC box set is a winner.

Yesterday was my Dad's 70th birthday so we all went out for lunch. He's well now and it was a nice day.

Back in the swing of work again.

Er, that's it.


Bright Ambassador said...

You're lucky, i've got loads of things to blog about but don't get the time.

Happy birthday to your Dad too.

Gwen said...

Happy birthday to your dad. You can't beat a good lunch.

Jon Peake said...

Thanks both.
