Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Where is everyone?

Either I'm boring you, or you're on holiday.

If I'm boring you, don't worry, I already know. If you're away, enjoy yourself, but do come back soon.

It's awfully quite around here.


A Kitten in a Brandy Glass said...

Everyone seems to be suffering from existential blog boredom at the moment. I think it's the weather. I think a lot of people are hungry for distraction but feel unable to come up with anything entertaining to add themselves.

Looking up 1970s dance routines on YouTube is probably the way forward for now...

Chris Hughes said...

Well, I'm still here. I'm not allowed off on holiday, it's against the law.

Why don't you talk a bit about your fantasy bistro?

Jon Peake said...

I think you're right kitten. I can't think of a thing of interest to blog about.

Chris may have stumbled upon something. I might do the bistro menu sometime today.

Matthew Rudd said...

I'm still here, wittering and waffling. Can't afford a holiday, see. Not a proper one anyway.

Still, the Premier League starts next week...

A Kitten in a Brandy Glass said...

For plenty of things to avoid in the bistro, have a look at the Gallery of Regrettable Food. Especially the "10 PM Cookbook" and the gelatine-based one.

Clair said...

We ought to have a blog equivlent of Wake's Week, where we all take the week of simultaneously and go to Blackpool, coming back refreshed.

Either that, or on mine, I do as bpp suggested and run a rather nice picture I have involving suggested nudity.

Anonymous said...

I'm here.

It is August -- holiday season -- and some people have gone up to Edinburgh for some strange fringe festival thingy !!!

Mondo said...

I'm around now - but off next week. I complete my first year of blogging next week (on PM not CM). When I first started cyberspace scrapbooking I was convinced I'd have run out stuff to puff about by around 3 months in. Incredibly I haven't even skimmed the surface of what I want to blab and jabber about yet.

Tim Worthington said...

I'm just taking 'five' from blogdom for a bit because there's a bit too much going on in the real world for me to be able to devote much energy to it, especially with the recent outbreak of frankly rude Comments Box people. Out On Blue Six will be back... but never 'In Denim'.

I am, however, continuing to read all of yours, hiding in plain sight like some Virtual Sylar...

Jon Peake said...

Well it's good to know there is some life out there still.

A lot of people are 'taking five', at the moment. It's the bloggers' equivalent to a week in a caravan at Prestatyn.

beth said...

I'm still here too.

I like Clair's 'Blogger's Wakes Week' idea, although I'd veto Blackpool and vote for the caravan at Prestatyn.
