So who watched Delia Through The Decades last night?
Not that I'm a particular fan, but my mum bought me Delia's One Is Fun (thanks mum!) cookbook when I first moved to London, and it really taught me not to be afraid of cooking. Once can follow a recipe and you get the timings right you can do anything. Mrs F-C still hasn't forgiven me for being the class star at our Cordon Bleu cookery course we did in 1992. So even if I do say it myself, I'm actually not a bad cook. I have no fear, and it's all down to Delia.
I thought the programme was quite fascinating, taking in her time in small Soho eateries of the Sixties, a time when people still thought spaghetti grew on trees. She was quite a trailblazer in her time, and a bit of a fox too.
I've never met her or even seen her, and despite numerous reports that she's a bit of a cow, she comes across as quite gentle and a bit shy, except when she takes the mike after a few gin and its at Norwich City games. The born again Christian thing was a slight turn-off, but you don't hear her preaching so it's clearly a private matter. Mrs F-C finds the hands a problem - the fact that she never takes her rings off when she makes pastry and all those liver spots. But let's be honest, she looks marvellous for 69. I thought she was in her fifties, but she's been around so long I suppose I'd not really given it much thought.
We still use her complete cookery course, from whence I got my shepherds pie, meatloaf, cheese sauce and meatball masinstays, among others. It's a well-used tome but an invaluable one.
Next week it's how she got into TV. Should be fascinating. I love programmes about food history. I wonder if she ever made a Five Centres flan?
I would like to know what comics/magazines you read regularly as a child/teenager.
Who was the last person you shouted at in anger, and why?
I think we can all guess who your worst boss was, but who was your best?
Have you ever committed a crime?
I'm curious about the lifers' Christmas party at Wormwood Scrubs. How did that compare to your average TV mag festive junket?
Alternatively, you could give me your Howard's Way revival cast. Would you do it as a reboot or an as-they-are-now continuation?
Gosh! I went and deleted that thinking it was a bit grand, but while you think of Delia responses, I'll asnwer these.
1. I never missed Smash Hits of course, having moved on from Look-In, Whizzer & Chips and Buster. And also Jackpot for a while. Then I got into The Face big time, I was obsessed with it. I also like New Sounds, New Styles and always got Record Mirror because it had the official Top 75 and US charts in it. I stopped buying Smash Hits at 22.
2. I shouted at the heating man when at 5.30 and I was freezing to death he told me they didn't have an available engineer that afternoon. I was half-crazed with cold. They came at 7am the next day.
3. I had a lovely boss Vicky when I first started out in magazines who was very encouraging, slightly scary but set on the road to where I am today.
4. Yes I have, ISBW, but I'm not prepared to discuss it. It's not murder or anything serious.
5. I hoped you'd kinow that was me on your blog Kitten. I thought your Howards' Way casting choices were absolutely spot on, so let's go with that.
The lifers' Christmas do was a revue. They all sang songs about being free as a bird and then we met a number of them afterwards and they couldn't wait to tell us how they were all not guilty of their crimes, some of them brutal murders. It was quite chilling. The wine was cheap and we got very drunk. We had to go the loo through the rec room. I don't think it'd been cleaned since 1812. It was quite an eyeopener, I can tell you.
Am I missing something here?
I was wondering how five people had comments about Delia - she's a bit bland isn't she?
Even if she's bland, Cocktails, you still commented! You have an opinion of her.
Can I take it back then?!
Too late!
I heard a rumour a few years ago that Delia and Mr Delia enjoyed nothing more than a spot of troilism. It may be a complete lie, but then again, they do say it's always the quiet ones you have to watch.
I had to Google 'troilism', thanks.
I hate the way she lets that flaming cat on her worktops. I hate that.
I think I would though. And she made the cake on the cover of Let it Bleed.
Blimey I thought she was younger - She's always had the look of an Abagail's Party type raver about her, and the sexual tension between her and Noel Edmonds on Swap Shop - electric. They must have had a tumble together. Or perhaps did wife-swap-shop if the rumors are true
I've yet to look up troilism but I can only imagine what filfth it might be.
She told the story of the Let It Bleed cake, BA.
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