Thanks to all those who were concerned about the bang on my head.
You were right. I went to the doctor and he diagnosed concussion. Mild concussion, but concussion nonetheless.
I've banged my head before - often much harder than that, like when I fell out of a tree in 1973 because someone said Monster Mash was going to be on Top Of The Pops (it wasn't) and in my haste I slipped off the branch and cracked my head.
And there was the time when a kitchen cupboard corner practically pierced my skull. Then there was the lunchbreak in which Alison Tibbals pushed me into a wall outside the art block. It was my own fault, I was being mean to her. But that time I got to go to X-ray and we watched the Royal Variety Performance in the evening. Donovan was on. It's funny what you remember.
But I've never felt like this. I had all the classic signs. Thankfully it's fading, but it's kind of worrying. How quickly a life could change after such a simple thing. Like that woman who slipped on a mushroom in Sainsbury's and was paralysed from the neck down, you never know what's waiting to get you. You really have to watch yourself.
I'm either grabbing life with both hands and will do all those things I've never done before or I'm never going out again. I've not decided which.
Are you sure it wasn't you who threw the mushroom she slipped on? I know you usually reserved that particular activity for Carrefour, but I think we need to know.
I'd not be able to live with myself Chris. No wonder I was banned from Carrefour. Look what could have happened!
Mrs M had a bad fall last year and managed to break her fall with her face. It was bad, but could have been so much worse: I'm reading Melanie Reid's Spinal Column in Saturday's Times and a more humbling read you will not find; one minute your life is fine, the next, it's not (I'd send you the link but Murdoch wants your folding before you're allowed to enter his Kingdom). But, whatever you do, don't stay in - those health and safety f**ckwits would have you believe that the home is riddled with death traps and that you'd be better off playing chicken on the M1. So glad you didn't feel the need to plug Kenny for your two bumper to bumper posts. Take Care!
That Alison Tibbals was a right cow. She once kicked me in the shins when I said she smelled of wee.
Oh dear. Hope those little bluebirds have stopped flying around your head.
My speciality is repeatedly setting my hair on fire.
Yoiks. Get out and enjoy life then.
I managed to concuss myself on the desk at a doctor's receptionist once - passed out when going up to let them know I had survived a vaccination and to make the appointment for part two. Now that was embarrassing.
Good to hear that you're alright.
I can now safely assume that your rejection of Pseudo Echo's Funky Town was entirely due to your concussed state.
That must be it Cocktails. I feel much better today.
Well I'm glad you got it checked out. You've saved yourself from a horrifying rabies-like death, probably.
It may well have been the Universe's way of extracting the Karmic Debt you incurred with the mushroom-throwing incident. But at least you're slate's clear now, as I'm sure you've never done anything else as bad. Boom shanka.
Can't believe I put 'you're'. So sorry.
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