Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I've Feltz better

I see Vanessa Feltz has been announced as the Sarah Kennedy replacement.

So how long's that going to last? Everything she does seems to end in tears due to something she does. She can't help herself.

I'm not a fan. I have first-hand experience of her and found her rather brusque. Takes one to know one, I suppose. But it didn't make me warm to her exactly. Say what you like about Sarah Kennedy, she was cosy. VF is not that.

Oh well, back to BBC Breakfast.


Matthew Rudd said...

Oh, for fucks sake.

Jon Peake said...

What does that mean?

Matthew Rudd said...

It means that Vanessa Feltz getting the gig fills me with rage. Your blog was the first I've heard of it. An involuntary, annoyed reaction, sorry for any ambiguity...

Bright Ambassador said...

Christ on a bike, that's bad news. Mind you, she ticks the Kennedy boxes: Awful? Check. Blonde? Check. Much younger partner? Check.

Lee Slator said...

What Matthew said.

I wanted a true radio person to take it on, not just another celbrity name.

How long do we think she'll last?

I think I'll stick to Chris Hawkins on BBC 6 Music.

Chris Hughes said...

Of course, Vanessa Feltz started her career on the radio, on GLR in the early '90s.
