Monday, June 05, 2006

I turned 41 yesterday. It's not a shock, I'm quite happy with my age, though I do wonder where the time has gone. There are still many things I'd like to do, such as:

Visit Brasilia
Write a best-selling book (Doesn't everyone)
Go to the theatre on Broadway
Spend Christmas in a snowy New England inn (I've done a New Year, but it's not quite the same)
Have a bigger garden
Have a second property out of London
Not have to work or, failing that, run a second-hand record shop
Play the piano
Have a better view
Lose weight
Give up smoking
Live in Hampstead or perhaps Chelsea
Eat more fish
Hit on a fantastic idea that will make me lots and lots of money

Other than that, I think I've done a quite a lot of things in my life I never thought I'd do, or be able to do. All in all, I musn't grumble.

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