Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oh get over it!

The Salman Rushdie knighthood debacle rumbles on. It's been suggested Pakistan severs diplomatic ties with the UK over it. And Iran is talking suicide bombings.

Oh for God's sake, isn't it time they moved on? On the one hand they call it outrageous, on the other they're saying the Queen hands out titles like they're still important. Well if it's of no importance what's all the fuss about?

I remember working at a central London bookshop when The Satanic Verses came out. We had security guards, bombscares, all sorts. It was ludicrous. I've got a first edition, but I've never read it. I bet no one who's vociferously campaigning against Rushdie has read it either. It's just bandwagonesque.

So much jumping up and down in the street burning flags and effigies and shouting. It's all got rather tiresome and has no effect on the West. We just think they're over-reacting, which they probably are.

Where will it lead? Where will it all end?


Bright Ambassador said...

Get over what?

TV Cream's Anatomy of Cinema said...

Is this a new, mysterious 'Zen master' style of blogging?

Tim Worthington said...

I'm mightily confused.

Jon Peake said...

Ah well, I posted something about Salman Rushdie then thought twice about vengeful muslim firebombers tracking me down through my ISP, so I deleted it, but not the title. I may post it again, if I'm feeling brave.

Bright Ambassador said...

Fuck 'em. Censorship and you papping your pants is exactly what they want. Email it to me, I'll post it.

Jon Peake said...

You know what Rich, I'll do it myself.

Clair said...

Well done that man! I'm very glad to be an atheist - look what good religion does to the world. And militant Islam seems to be the most unquestioning religion, which again, does nobody any good.
