Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Now we are two

This blog has just turned two.

I deleted the first entry as it was so poor. I thought it best not to read any others or I might have deleted the whole thing.

But here we are. Thanks for all your support. I love reading your comments and it means a lot to me that you actually want to read this shit.

So if you're a lurker, why not post as a one-off birthday treat for me?

Chin chin!


Clair said...

Happy blogday, old bean. I love your shit. Without you, I may not have had a blog of my very own, along with the assorted old cobblers, shady meetings, scriptwriting, a suggested career as a high-class madam and everything else that's come along for me through blogging.


Bright Ambassador said...

Happy birthday. My favourite piece of blogging ever remains "Mrs F-C said she never wanted to see The Seekers ever again. I think she missed the whole point of a farewell tour." Fantastic.

Valentine Suicide said...

Yeah, happy birthday mate. I read and enjoy your 'shit' everyday.

Will the censor be operating now Mrs F-C has a key?

Mondo said...

Happy Birthday FC, have these goodies as birthday treat - and here's to another year.

Scans from a 1970 (U.S) home shopping catalogue "The BlueBook of Quality Merchandise 1970" and a couple of tunes to go with them,

Keith Mansfield - 'Young Scene'
'The Night Rider' (Milk Tray Music)
'It's All About the Co-Op Now'
Alan Hawkshaw

A Kitten in a Brandy Glass said...

Congratulations and fair cakes all round! I am astonished that BBC Four hasn't yet commissioned "The Cult of Five Centres", in which your glamorous celebrity fanbase (i.e. us) turns up to spout soundbites on your 1970s bistro fantasy and to theorize wildly about who your nightmarish former boss really was...

Helen said...

Congratulations, that's a long haul. Enjoy reading every day and enjoy it even more when I remember my details in order to comment. Keep on frugging.

Jon Peake said...

You're all so kind. Thanks for the tunes and pics, PM, they're great.

I really must scan in my 1970 Gamages catalogue for your delight.

I'm ordering the furniture for my bistro as we speak, Kitten.

Not sure Mrs F-C has read that bit about her yet, BA, but no censoring to be had. I'll continue to tell it like it is, just like Clair does.

Cocktails said...

Hello, I'm one of those long time blog lurkers, just beginning to gradually come out of the closet... I've always been impressed by your extremely regular postings so... two years... wow. Hope I can manage that. Happy birthday.

Kolley Kibber said...

A very Happy Birthday to your super blog. You're the smooth fondant treat that has something for everyone.

Suzy Norman said...

shit is good

beth said...


Two eh? Does this mean you'll be having regular tantrums?

I can't remember if I'm a lurker or not. If I am 'hello'. If I'm not, 'hello again'

Sky Clearbrook said...

Many happy returns, FC.

office pest said...

Nice job F-C. You inspired me. Have a couple of office shootings as a birthday present to yourself, Amin or Stalin style.
Then retire to the Bistro to polish glasses as you catch up on local gossip with the lurking customers. It's 6pm on a warm July Tuesday evening in 1971...

Matthew Rudd said...

I like your blog, F-C. I really do, and like Clair (albeit a long time after Clair) I was too inspired by this write-what-you-like cobblers.

And I think you should celebrate its anniversary by buying a hat you don't like.

Tim Worthington said...

Hurrah all round for DapperBlogTM!

Inchy said...

Well done.
I realise I'm a little late to the party, having only recently discovered that there are other people who think about the same muck and trivia as myself, but you're still my hero.

I have a poster of you on my bedroom wall.

Andrew Collins said...

I'm usually quite sentimental about birthdays and anniversaries, but it seems I allowed my own blog's two-year mark to pass without comment or fanfare about two weeks ago.

Way to go for marking yours.

Jon Peake said...

Thanks everyone. One day out of the office and all this.

I'm choked.

Inchy said...

Take it like a man.
