Erm, there is a likeness, certainly. I wouldn't say it was unflattering. Don't forget that I get compared to that woman who captained Britain's successful Olympic curling team!
I would never have thought of it before, but in that particular picture you've posted, he DOES seem to be looking a bit like you. He probably tries to play up the resemblance for the paparazzi, though...
The more I look at it the more I see the odd similarity, but you're right RE, my eyes are not pissholes in the snow. And I don't have that curlyish hair either.
I'm still not flattered - all things considered. Thanks David, whoever you are.
Erm, there is a likeness, certainly. I wouldn't say it was unflattering. Don't forget that I get compared to that woman who captained Britain's successful Olympic curling team!
Quite complimentary, I think, all things considered.
I would never have thought of it before, but in that particular picture you've posted, he DOES seem to be looking a bit like you. He probably tries to play up the resemblance for the paparazzi, though...
Well, it's mainly around the mouth and eyes. And nose and cheeks and jaw. And forehead.
I've never met you, so I'll go for "no, you don't."
I think your head is slightly thinner, though.
I see a likeness, except your eyes aren't like pissholes in the snow.
The more I look at it the more I see the odd similarity, but you're right RE, my eyes are not pissholes in the snow. And I don't have that curlyish hair either.
I'm still not flattered - all things considered. Thanks David, whoever you are.
I can't see it either.
I get regularly tarred with Martin Freeman brush, sometimes Paul Merton, occasionally Colin Firth and yesterday was a first Howard from Take That !!!
I'm afraid I still get 'Shirley from Wham!', so I don't have much to laugh about either.
ISBW, that would at least mean Martin Kemp might take a shine to you. Or is that not desirable either?
I can see Martin Freeman in you, PM. HOward from Take That would be flattering?
Poor Mrs F-C. Someone once told her she looked liked Judi Dench. She doesn't and she was not best pleased.
Still, at least she wasn't mistaken for Lady Sarah Armstrong Jones like I was, aged 11.
As you know, I think you are Emmerdale's Matthew King. I get the Freeman vibe from Mondo, because he is a relentlessly sharp, stylish dresser.
Nah, you look more like Les Dawson to me.
Bless you Clair, too kind to an ex long-haired-rock-monster..
Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones?
More details please, F-C.
And start work on that autobiography.
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