I think it's a bit of shame she's off. Indeed, she is the human embodiment of the Daily Mail, but in the interests of balance I think we need someone like that. We don't necessarily agree with what she says, and the very fact that she says it and makes us cross or agitated can only be a good thing. We don't all want wall to wall political correctness all the time. It's dull.
But her proclivities aside, I find her strangely comforting. Those fruity, home counties tones are somehow rather comforting. I like her quirkiness, the way she cuts off records and plays sound effects, and even the way she witters on about pets and children. She should be everything I hate but for some reason I don't.
I don't know about any alleged drink problem, and for sure she's come on a bit slurry sometimes, but there have been vicious rumours about her for years and they quite clearly come from within the BBC. Doesn't she look tired, though?
I think my soft spot for her goes back to her Southern TV/TVS days. It as my local ITV station and she seemed quite affiliated with it. Then came Game For A Laugh and Busman's Holiday and I never, ever found her irritating. Not even on the radio.
I wonder where she'll turn up next? I don't know who'll take over, but to my mind there's no one as restful or as bonkers who is right for that slot, unless you know different.
I had a look at one of her fansites the other day. As Marlon Brando says in Apocalypse Now: "The horror...the horror..."
Even I wouldn't join a fansite.
When ever I dipped in she was easy on the ear for that time of a morning(in a Watch With Mother way). But couldn't stand the Show Tunes feature - and she makes Mrs M bristle something terrible.
She's not for everyone. I know what you mean about the Watch With Mother thing.
Her political views weren't really the issue; there is as much a place for moderate right wing views as there is for that of the left.
But, for a broadcaster with serious responsibility to her audience and employers, she was deeply unprofessional. And in that Telegraph piece this morning, she's talking shit. Not least because she lives nowhere near bloody Wormwood Scrubs.
I understand why people liked her, and if she'd just been a Tory harridan babbling on about cats and trains of a morn, she'd have been fine. It was her attitude off-mic and her extra-curricular activities that got her out, nothing else.
We need to know what they are, Matt. Do tell...
She looks like one of my sisters. The one I haven't spoken to for twelve years. I suspect the resemblance isn't just physical, either.
Twelve years! Now that's an interesting story.
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