In case anyone cared less what I ended up wearing to the Christmas party, it was a generic My Name Is Earl redneck outfit. Great wig. Stayed til 9.30.
'Why did you leave so early, F-C?', I hear you ask. Well, I'll tell you. I didn't actually know very many people because barely a soul I work with wants to go, and it was too loud to talk.
I have no choice but to go, being in a senior position, but good for those who did come from our bit. They don't want me hanging around though, so I thought I'd make myself scarce. Shame really, cos in the past, I've always enjoyed Christmas parties. Free drink, free food - what's not to like? Okay, it's not all beer and skittles, but it could be worse.
I won't go into my theories on why people don't come for fear of causing offence or discord, but we all know the reasons why, and - in the main - they're not good reasons. The other departments are at full strength and just enjoying themselves. There's no shame in that.
I'm loving whoever went as Mount Rushmore. Brilliant.
Someone actually did! And it was cumbersome yet great.
Aha, new look for the blog. Very Fablon.
I have to confess to being very bad at attending out of work events. By this time of the year I've usually had enough of everyone and everything. Maybe your department feels the same? Was it a good venue?
Yes, nice venue, big nightclub in London. Still not enough to entice though.
Well, I'm not going to my work Christmas do, but that's because it clashes with ye olde Creamy christmas do! I have my priorities right, I do.
The TV Cream office do exerts a mighty pull, indeed. Can we get a photocopier into Maurice's back bar for arse picture fun? Being a provincial freelance, I look forward to my various employers' Christmas parties. I've had to say no to one with great regret due to logistics, but the Oldie Christmas do is this week, deep joy.
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